Sleep MOC: Commentary
up:: Examples of inductive note-taking As an example how to engage topics with Connected Biblical Thinking, I will outline stages of MOC creation and adaption below:
Stage 1
I was reading a book on sleep and very convinced about the importance of it. I added one of the created notes in a MOC:
Sleep MOC
Stage 2
In this MOC there is no connection to Scripture. That is fine initially. I would jot down ideas, test them and see how they fit into a God-centered life.
The first Bible verse that comes to my mind on the importance of Sleep is 19. We are called to steward our body. I would add that into the MOC:
Sleep MOC
- We are called to steward our body well: 19
- The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life
Stage 3
After a couple of days of making sleep a big priority in my life, I noticed a tension. Making sleep increasingly important in my life would sometimes come at the cost of relationships.
After some consideration, I might stumble upon the story in the gospels where Jesus, fully at peace in the Father’s presence, was awakened during a storm by the frightened disciples: 39. In love, Jesus forwent sleep to calm the storm and address to worries of his disciples.
I add important nuance into the MOC:
Sleep MOC
- We are called to steward our body well: 19
- The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life
- At times, forgoing sleep in order to love people is more important: 39.