The Lost Metal
up:: Books
- Type:fiction
- [Author:: Brandon Sanderson]
- [pages:: 562]
- [ddc:: 813.6]
- [Year published:: 2022]
- Universe: Mistborn Series
- [status:: read]
- [rating:: 4.75]
- [added:: 2023-01-03]
- [started:: 2023-01-03]
- [read:: 2023-03-10]
🛒 [kindle::] 🏫 [library::,1] [thumbnail:: “”] [id:: PAVTEAAAQBAJ]
- Aww small Wayne trying on clothes and pretending to be people
- what the heck, Hoid is there! And who’s moonlight?
- Odium destroyed some of the other shards
- “We who defend Scadriel”
I mean, I think this was a really cool read. I struggled a bit to get into the characters inittially in the second era of Mistborn. But I think the gap between the previous book in the series and this one did it well. It is so sweet now to see Wax and Steris as a married couple and as parents. Wayne as well as Marasi also had a great character progression. I think the bigger Cosmere was introduced well. The off-world characters like Moonlight and Twin Soul were really cool but didn’t overshadow our tried and true crew. Marasi turning them down was actually really great as well I thought. The ending also resonated with me. It was just beautifully written and laid out. The one person sacrifices themselves for the world can be a bit of a trope but not in here. I think this book was really tight from start to finish, even with a lot of different elements and moving parts. A strong canditate for my favourite second era Mistborn book.