The Atlas Six


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Not my favourite read!

  • I found character decisions and allegiances confusing
  • The magic system was unclear
    • I had a hard time even picturing the initial fight: What does Libby creating fire look like? Does she throw it? Somehow the prose style didn’t work for me.
  • It was hard to root for anyone: The protagonists all were unlikable to me and the cause of the Society is uncommendable
  • The theme of power and the hunger for more power was not engaging.
  • Not a fan of the explicit content
  • On a more positive note, the twist of Parisia’s death being in Nico’s head was a genuine suprise to me (maybe because the magic system never really established this to be possible 🤷‍♂️). I liked the writing of this whole plot point.
  • Towards the end, the dynamics between characters and the setup involving the society versus the forum got interesting.

If we hadn’t read this as a book club, I would have put down the book earlier. It was a bit exasperating at times! I can see how the writing and character work is actually well done, but the book just didn’t work for me. 2.5/5 stars.