Zeit App

up:: Tools and Apps ⚐ A CLI tool for time tracking.

Repo: mrusme/zeit: Zeit, erfassen. A command line tool for tracking time spent on activities.


  • Projects are anything I want to see reflected in zeit stats.
  • Tasks are what I want to see in the menubar as my focus now.

Since there is no tagging implementation, I prefix similar contexts with the same characters and set similar colours.

For example, c udemy vue for C - Udemy Vue. Generally, I go from broad to narrow (Course > Udemy > Vue). Coding projects don’t have a prefix.

Bulk project updating

Renaming tasks/projects? · Issue #28 · mrusme/zeit

zeit --no-colors list -p Kenya | cut -d ' ' -f1 | xargs -I {} echo zeit entry -p Nairobi {}

Replace Kenya with the old project name and Nairobi with the new one. Run it and check if what it would do looks alright. If so, backup your zeit.db nevertheless, remove the echo, run it and Bob’s your uncle.



zeit track -p "Project" -t "Task"
  • zeit track --project "New Project" --task "New Task"
  • Update colour: zeit project "Obsidian You" -c "465BB4"

How to add completions

UnderstandingZsh Completions - YouTube

When using Oh My Zsh

mkdir -p $ZSH/completions && echo "$(zeit completion zsh)" > $ZSH/completions/_zeit