Emojis That Sync with Dropbox

Generally, Dropbox does not sync files with emojis in the filename. However, one insightful commentator found a pattern. Only emojis with a f0 in the pattern don’t sync.

From the post:

✅ : Supported, hexidecimal code is “e2 9c 85” ⭐ : Supported, hexidecimal code is “e2 ad 90” 📚: Not Supported, hexidecimal code is “f0 9f 93 9a” 📖:: Not Supported, hexidecimal code is “f0 9f 93 96” – Dropbox Community

You can find an overview on the encoding here. All emojis that contain U+1F don’t sync, all other ones do.

Example Emojis That Sync

A couple of syncing emojis (in alphabetical order): ⏳ ☀ ☄ ☕ ☘ ☝ ☠ ♻️ ⚒ ⚗ ⚙ ⚠ ⚡ ⛑ ⛩ ⛪ ⛰ ⛲ ⛳️ ⛵ ⛺ ⛽ ✂️ ✌️ ✍ ✏️ ✨ ❤ ⭐