iOS Indie Hacking

up:: Indie Hacking

Release flow


  • develop: Local development/Simulators
  • staging: Internal TestFlight
  • preview: External TestFlight
  • production: AppStore

Version increase

Commit: release: 1.0.0 (1)

  • Is this the first release candidate?

    • ✅ Yes:
      • 👉 Set version to 1.0.0 (1)
    • ❌ No:
      • Does this introduce a breaking change?
        • ✅ Yes:
          • 👉 Major version bump, reset others
        • ❌ No:
          • Does this include a new feature?
            • ✅ Yes:
              • 👉 Minor version bump, reset others
            • ❌ No:
              • Does this fix a bug?
                • ✅ Yes:
                  • Patch version bump, set build number to 1
                • ❌ No:
                  • 👉 Increase build number
  • build: refactor, chore, styles

  • patch: fix

  • minor: feat

  • major: breaking

    • 1.0.0 is release candidate