The Will of the Many
up:: Books
- Type:fiction
- [Author:: James Islington]
- [pages:: 640]
- [ddc:: ]
- [Year published:: 2023]
- [status:: read]
- [rating:: 5]
- [added:: 2023-05-27]
- [started:: 2023-06-04]
- [read:: 2023-06-22]
🛒 [kindle:: ""] 🏫 [library:: ""] [thumbnail:: “”] [id:: jlGUEAAAQBAJ]
- the setting was great
- the magic, in pure Islington fashion had it’s moments of climax and was then mind-blowing
- While a competent protagonist is fun, it was almost too much for Vis. “I did this during my childhood” became a bit of a meme. Especially with the swordfight
- I liked how Ulciscor was just kind of a baddy. Like he is likeable but if Vis would have failed, he would have put him on a sapper without flinching. Went a bit against my expectations and the trope of an adopted father
- Relucia being Ulciscor’s wife was a wild reveal
- Wolf-like fantasy puppies saving the day is a trope, but it is also still cool
- Islington mentioned this as Red Rising meets Kingkiller Chronicles.
- Emissa was bound to betray him but it still was wild how she did. Black eyes, imbued dagger.
- Veridius was such an interesting villain – scheming and manipulating behind the scenes.
- How did the Anguis even get to the island? Ships should have sunk
- Who is the other person that the Anguis have in the academy? Was that Emissa?