React Context

up:: React

The problem: Prop chains

  • If you pass a state around a lot, use context
  • Or if you use a prop only to forward props but not do anything with it
  • You want to avoid a lengthy ‘prop chain’

Props vs context

  • props for dynamic and configurable values
  • context for app wide variables
  • context is not for high frequency changes (that’s what Redux is for)

Creating a context

store/ is a common folder name

store/auth-context.js (kebab- instead of CamelCase because it’s not a component)

import React from 'react';
const AuthContent = React.createContext({
	isLoggedIn: false;
export default AuthContent;

You can even add functions in context!

Providing context

Wrap it around all the elements that need it.

For example, in app.js (this makes it available to all)

import React from 'react';
import AuthContext from './store/auth-context.js'
const App = () => {
	return (
			<AuthContext.Provider value={{defaultKey: defaultValue}}>
				// ... rest of components
			<AuthContext.Provider />
		<React.Fragment />

Listening to context

Consumer (is kinda meh as a solution)

import AuthContext from '../../store/auth-context'
// Navigation.js
	{(ctx) => {
		return (
			// all the jsx code that should have access
			{ctx.isLoggedIn && <SampleComponent />} // show if user is logged in
<AuthContext.Consumer />

Easier solution

React useContext