
Judge a man not by his answers but by his questions Voltaire

  • End of the Year Questions
  • How to engage with any cultural text
  • Mike Schmitz’s Quarterly Retreat Questions
    • What should I start doing?
    • What should I keep doing?
    • What should I stop doing?
  • Ian Byrd’s Retreat Questions
    • What is life-giving?
    • What is taking life away from me?
  • Scrum Sprint Review:
    • What went well?
    • What went wrong?
    • How can I improve in the future?
  • Navy SEALs’ Mission Debriefing
    1. What was supposed to happen?
    2. What actually happened?
    3. Why did it happen?
    4. What went well and why?
    5. What could have been done better and how?
    6. What lessons can we learn from this mission?
    7. How can we apply what we’ve learned to improve future operations?

Journaling questions

### T.I.P.S.Y.
- **T hankfulness**
- **I ntercession**
- **P riorities**
- **S ilence**
- **Y our Word**


- Daily reflection
- What did I learn today?
- To explore later...


- **CREATE** - *What did I do or make today?*
- **CONSUME** - *What did I read/listen to/watch today?*
- **CONTEMPLATE** - *What did I think about today?*
- **CONTACT** - *Who did I talk to today?*