My favourite tools and utilities
up:: Favourites I spend a lot of my day in front of my computer. I might as well make it as efficient as possible.
Hammerspoon Headspace
Hammerspoon Headspace by Evan Travers I use this Hammerspoon hundreds of times each day. Written in Lua, I can automate every aspect of how my mac behaves. I use it to resize windows and open apps with a keypress. Headspace integrates with time tracking and app blocking to provide even more focus
Small helpers
- 🔎 Alfred to quickly open apps and folders from everywhere
- ✨ espanso for text expansion and templates (and emojis!)
- 🔑 Bitwarden for password management.
- 🚀 Rocket for more emojis
- 🌅 f.lux to adapt the display temperature to time of the day
- 🗒️ Tyke as a digital scratchpad
- 🚜 Dozer to hide menu bar items on MacOS
- ⏲️ Zeit for CLI timetracking