Jesus the Messiah
up:: God’s unified story, Jesus Christ ==Level of Certainty: Certain about Jesus being the promised messiah, still there is a lot about the concrete prophecies to dig deeper on. Level of Effort: This is just a compilation of verses jotted down for later reference.==
Jesus fulfilling the Messiah imagery.
Prophecies regarding the Messiah
Transclude of Isa-9#6==—6==
Transclude of Isa-9#7==—7==
Transclude of Isa-32#1==—1==
Transclude of Isa-32#2==—2==
Transclude of Isa-32#3==—3==
Transclude of Isa-32#4==—4==
Transclude of Ezek-11#19==—19==
Transclude of Mal-4