The Name of the Wind
up:: Books
- Type:fiction
- [Author:: Patrick Rothfuss]
- [pages:: 596]
- [ddc:: 813.6]
- [Year published:: 2010]
- [status:: read]
- [rating:: 5]
- [added:: 2023-11-13]
- [started:: 2023-11-13]
- [read:: 2023-11-26]
🛒 [kindle::] 🏫 [library::] [thumbnail:: “”] [id:: BcG2dVRXKukC]
I really loved reading The Name of the Wind. This book has a special place in my heart as one of the first Fantasy books I read. In my view, it still holds up well.
The narrative setting is smart – jumping between the past and the present and keeps the reader engaged by Kothe foreshadowing event (“The it was all about to change…). Also, Bast is just too cool.
The emotional punches of the book still hit me hard. His parents’ death, the shattering of the lute by the thugs and then the shattering of the lute by Ambrose all made me cringe. His expelling from the university as well as him narrowly missing Denna’s letter is also still very frustrating :sweat_smile:
That being said, I am invested in the Denna subplot – but I don’t fully get her. The flittering contact on and then off nature seems odd. Maybe there is a reason to that that will be revealed in future books.
Also the Trebon climax is a bit confusing to me. Kvothe meeting Denna there seems awfully convinient. Maybe there is a backstory to this as well. The whole adventure through I was also thinking “Don’t you need to be in university?“.
Still, the book is a page-turner (I finished it in under two weeks). I love the language, the setting, and characters. It’s a :star: 5/5 from me!