JavaScript Objects up:: JavaScript Methods delete object.key; users.hasOwnProperty(Alan) is the same as 'Alan' in users Basics var myObj = { "SpaceName": "Kirk", "More Space": "Spock", "NoSpace": "USS Enterprise" }; // Objects can be accessed via dot notation: S; // Objects with spaces need to be accessed by bracket notation: myObj["More Space"]; // Objects can be deleted: delete myObj.SpaceName; // Check if property exists myObj.hasOwnProperty(SpaceName); Constructors and Prototypes JavaScript Object Constructors & Prototypes JavaScript Classes Snippets Find objects based on value in an array of objects allCars: [ { brand: "Honda", color: "red" }, { brand: "Tesla", color: "white" } ]; const car = allCars.find(entry => entry.color === "red");