Bunch App
up:: Automation
- π Documentation
- π Quick Reference
- xbar app: https://xbarapp.com/
- xbar toggl plugin: https://xbarapp.com/docs/plugins/Web/toggl.1m.js.html
sequential: true|false
: Launch apps at the same time (faster) or in oder (logical)menu order: 2
: Override the sortingmenu divider: before
: Add divider in menu
: Mentioned Apps quit on leaving bunch% Obsidian
: Ignored when closing bunch
URL scheme
URL scheme
Link to originalhammerspoon://move?app=Obsidian&dir=l25
Example bunch: Overview
title: Example - Edit First!
/* This is an example of a Bunch file. It's designed to show
you some syntax but won't do a lot if you run it
directly. Customize it a little bit and then run it from
the menu to give it a try! */
// Comments start with a hash symbol (#), a double slash (//)
// or are surrounded by /*...*/. blank lines are ignored
// Use @@ to hide all visible apps. Usually used at the top
// of the file before launching the rest of the bunch
// Apps to launch start at the beginning of a line, no
// need to quote or escape.
/* Apps launched by a Bunch are quit when the Bunch is closed
Add a percent symbol to ignore it when closing the Bunch
(i.e. keep it running) */
# %Terminal
// Include a line starting with a dash to open specific
// files in the app
- ~/Desktop
- ~/Documents
// Commands are surrounded by parenthesis. Only commands
// Bunch recognizes will be executed
# ([hide|show] dock) // Turn Dock autohiding on or off
# ([hide|show] desktop) // Show or hide desktop icons
# (dnd [on|off]) // Turn Do Not Disturb on or off
(hide desktop)
// This command displays an HTML file in a 500w by 600h
// floating window
(display bunch-internal/first-bunch.html 500x600 level:floating)
// Use a URL on a line to open it in your default browser
// You can also target a specific browser
# chrome:https://bunchapp.co/
// You can also use URL schemes from other apps
# x-marked://open?file=Work Stuff.md
// Start a line with an exclamation point to quit that
// app if it's running
# !Mail
// Use a "double negative" to launch an app when closing a
// Bunch
# !!Notes
// Start a line with an asterisk (*) to execute as applescript
* say "Example Bunch launched"
// Or run a shell script with a dollar sign ($)
// and set environment variables with "file" markers
# $ /usr/local/scripts/myscript.sh arg1 arg2
# - KEY=value
/* Or an Automator Workflow with an ampersand (&) If the
workflow is in your Bunch Folder, you don't need a
File markers will set variables in the workflow */
# & My Workflow.workflow
# - key=val
/* You can also have scripts that only run when closing a
Bunch You can use different arguments/variables to the
same script.
Works as !$, !&, and !* */
# !$ /usr/local/scripts/myscript.sh quit
# - STATUS=closing
/* Start a line with @ to "focus" that app (hide others)
Focus commands should be the last app item in the Bunch,
and the focused app should already have been launched. */
# @Marked 2
/* Avoid repetition in your Bunch files by creating snippet
files and importing them <mysnippet.snippet
Add sections to a snippet file with #[Section Name] and
reference it */
# <mysnippets.snippet#Section Name
// See the documentation for more info: https://brettterpstra.com/bunch