
up:: Books





  • [status:: read]
  • [rating:: 5]
  • [added:: 2023-01-03]
  • [started:: 2023-01-19]
  • [read:: 2023-02-09]


This is an absolutely fantastic book. While reading it, I was considering buying the book just to have it as a reference to read and re-read again. There is so much wisdom and insight in these pages.

It is hard for me to find the words about what specifically resonated so much with me in this book. The idea that getting ‘negaitve’ feedback is crucial to growth sounds common-sense if I write it like this but the way the author put it, it shifted my perception significantly. It is better to have your flawed thinking exposed than to be right all the time. A super good read and I hope I will carry the principles of this onwards. I rarely consider actually buying a book I read to read it again but the fact that I am considering this one means a lot.

The way he writes about business is just so different. It’s really good stuff. I find it hard to put into words.

Action items

  • Go through a logical decision making process on career next steps
    • Ask believable people
      • Andy
      • BenCodeZen
  • Same about what to do on the commute/daily habits
  • Baseball cards or equivalent for Pixel Pixel
  • everyone at Pixel Pixel is more believable than me. Learn from them.
  • what’s the expected value of accepting this job?
    • Seems like there are heaps of updates
  • What is the mission of Pixel Pixel?
  • embrace tough love
  • plan habits for this new season

Cause and Effect

The book explicitly mentions believing the universe to operate in a cause-effect way. Proverbs certainly expresses that this is true, but Ecclesiastes expands on that, pointing out that sometimes things are random and impossible to make sense of.

Leveraging unique strengths

Ray and Bridgewater are big on working with personalities of people, using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and giving out ‘‘baseball cards’’ to employees to indicate strengths. This idea of unique strength is actually scriptural: “many gifts, one spirit” (4), “one body, many parts” (12). (Paul talks about the church but it makes sense to assume this principle holds for all people)


Believable people are people who have repeatedly and successfully accomplished the thing in question. They have a strong track record with at least three successes.


Or brains come ‘pre-programmed’ with hundreds of millions of years of learning. All people have an instinctual great of snakes while no one is afraid of flowers.

Our brains evolved “bottoms-up”. Oldest parts are at the bottom, newer parts at the top.

The biggest battle is between our thinking (Frontal lobe - Prefrontal cortex) and our feeling (Amygdala). Between our conscious and subconscious. Often, or subconscious is really powerful (cue Blink · The Power of Thinking without Thinking). But when something ipsets us, it kicks into Fight or Flight mode. “Amygdala hijackings”.


”The good life is built with good relationships”. It matters more than money, health it anything else.


Myers Briggs, Workplace Personality Inventory, Team Dimensions Profile, Stratified Systems Theory


  • The Meaning of Human Existence, on social cooperation l