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Welcome to the Bible Study Kit, nice to meet you! πŸ‘‹ If you’re curious about who I am, you can read a bit more About me. If you accidentally stumbled upon this kit and have no idea about the Biblical story, start here: What is the Gospel?.

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What this kit tries to solve

The Bible exhorts us to β€œacquire and seek knowledge” (15). Yet, the way in which we do that is often inefficient. You can probably identify with some of The shortcomings of common note-taking practices.

Dive in!

After you have identified some of the challenges you’re facing, you’re ready to dive in. When lost, you can always come back to the Overview.

You can navigate for- and backward with those hotkeys: Option + β†’ and Option + ←.

There are three paths which you can explore:


I am indebted to j.split, karlpalmer, Lithou, MikeBraddock and Nick Milo for their willingness to provide feedback for the early drafts of this kit. Your thoughts made this kit a much better one.