What’s required to release an iOS MVP 1.0.0

up: iOS Indie Hacking

App Store Connect requirements

related: App Store submissions

  • App Store name
  • Short (Display) name
  • Screenshots (iOS + iPad)
  • Description
  • Keywords

Related: ASO - App Store Optimisation


  • Core functionality
    • Specify things that are out of scope for MVP. Compare Shape Up.
  • Request for ratings
  • Easy way for users to provide feedback
  • Optional: Monetisation

Resources: ULTIMATE GUIDE to $5K per month as Indie App Developer


  • fastlane might be a CI tool that can help


Screenshot specifications - Reference - App Store Connect - Help - Apple Developer

  • 6.7”
    • iPhone 15 Plus
  • 6.5”
    • iPhone 14 Plus
  • 5.5”
    • iPhone 8 Plus